- 1、人山人海英语怎么说?
- 2、人山人海用英语怎么说!
- 3、人山人海用英语怎么说
1、在第一次听到people mountain people sea(人山人海)时,他便立即领悟了其中的文化内涵。
2、人山人海英文:people mountain people sea people mountain people sea造句 On national day, there are people mountain people sea in Zhongshan park. 国庆节那天,中山公园里人山人海。
3、人山人海 [词典] huge crowds of people; a sea of people [faces]; the sea of humanity(in a crowd);[电影] People Mountain People Sea; [例句]广场上人山人海。
4、人山人海的英文 应该怎么说呢?其实英文里面没有特定某个英文单字指人山人海,你可以用crowds of people这样的英文说法,来形容人很多的意思。下面说明crowds of people的中文意思跟用法。
在第一次听到people mountain people sea(人山人海)时,他便立即领悟了其中的文化内涵。
人山人海英文:people mountain people sea people mountain people sea造句 On national day, there are people mountain people sea in Zhongshan park. 国庆节那天,中山公园里人山人海。
人山人海的英文 应该怎么说呢?其实英文里面没有特定某个英文单字指人山人海,你可以用crowds of people这样的英文说法,来形容人很多的意思。下面说明crowds of people的中文意思跟用法。
人山人海的英文:the mountain of faces and the sea of faces [解释]形容人聚集得非常多。
人山人海 [词典] huge crowds of people; a sea of people [faces]; the sea of humanity(in a crowd);[电影] People Mountain People Sea; [例句]广场上人山人海。
1、在第一次听到people mountain people sea(人山人海)时,他便立即领悟了其中的文化内涵。
2、人山人海 a sea of people [faces]huge crowds of people the sea of humanity (in a crowd)crowded conditions 例句:早早的,街上已是人山人海了。
3、人山人海英文:people mountain people sea people mountain people sea造句 On national day, there are people mountain people sea in Zhongshan park. 国庆节那天,中山公园里人山人海。
4、人山人海 [词典] huge crowds of people; a sea of people [faces]; the sea of humanity(in a crowd);[电影] People Mountain People Sea; [例句]广场上人山人海。
作者:xinfeng335本文地址:http://www.ivfgd.com/post/2639.html发布于 今天